Collaborative Law

Listen To Dr. Lee Explain The In's And Out's Of Collaborative Law

Collaborative Divorce consists of a comprehensive team of like-minded professionals who apply their interdisciplinary training to approach your divorce collectively. This can benefit you and your spouse with help from legal professionals, child specialists, divorce coaches and financial experts all working together. Divorce coaches do not act as counselors but guides who help people navigate the difficult emotional obstacles that can impede the legality of the divorce process. They provide strategies for common problems and offer resolve when personal loss is at its greatest.

The heart of Collaborative Practice or Collaborative Divorce (also called “no-court divorce,” “divorce with dignity,” “peaceful divorce”) is to offer you and your spouse or partner the support, protection, and guidance of your own lawyers without going to court. In Collaborative Practice, core elements form your contractual commitments, which are to:

  • Negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide issues.
  • Maintain open communication and information sharing.
  • Create shared solutions acknowledging the highest priorities of all.

Collaborative Practice, including Collaborative Law and interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce, is a new way for you to resolve disputes respectfully -- without going to court -- while working with trained professionals who are important to all areas of your life. The term incorporates all of the models developed since IACP's Minnesota lawyer Stu Webb created Collaborative Law ideas in the 1980s.

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